Découvrez nos formations

Edge AI for Financial Services

14 heures

Edge AI in Industrial Automation

14 heures

Advanced Stable Diffusion: Deep Learning for Text-to-Image Generation

21 heures

Optimizing AI Models for Edge Devices

14 heures

DeepSpeed for Deep Learning

21 heures

Introduction to Large Language Models (LLMs)

14 heures

Introduction to Stable Diffusion for Text-to-Image Generation

21 heures


7 heures

Edge AI with TensorFlow Lite

14 heures

Advanced Machine Learning with Python

21 heures

Deep Reinforcement Learning with Python

21 heures

Deep Learning for Telecom (with Python)

28 heures

Introduction to Deep Learning

21 heures

Artificial Neural Networks, Machine Learning and Deep Thinking

21 heures

Advanced Deep Learning

28 heures

Deep Learning for Vision with Caffe

21 heures

Deep Learning for Vision

21 heures

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Automotive

14 heures

Machine Learning and Deep Learning

21 heures

OpenNMT: Setting Up a Neural Machine Translation System

7 heures

Introduction Deep Learning & Réseaux de neurones pour l’ingénieur

21 heures


21 heures

OpenFace: Creating Facial Recognition Systems

14 heures

Advanced Machine Learning with R

21 heures

Matlab for Deep Learning

14 heures

Deep Learning for Finance (with R)

28 heures

Deep Learning for Banking (with Python)

28 heures

Deep Learning for Banking (with R)

28 heures

Deep Learning for Finance (with Python)

28 heures

Deep Learning AI Techniques for Executives, Developers and Managers

21 heures

Neural computing – Data science

14 heures

Deep Learning for Medicine

14 heures

Python and Deep Learning with OpenCV 4

14 heures

Hardware-Accelerated Video Analytics

14 heures

Deep Learning for Healthcare

14 heures

DeepMind Lab

14 heures

Deep Learning for Business

14 heures

TensorFlow Lite for Embedded Linux

21 heures

TensorFlow Lite for Android

21 heures

Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers

21 heures

TensorFlow Lite for iOS

21 heures

Deep Learning Neural Networks with Chainer

14 heures

Distributed Deep Learning with Horovod

7 heures

Accelerating Deep Learning with FPGA and OpenVINO

35 heures

Building Deep Learning Models with Apache MXNet

21 heures

Deep Learning with Keras

21 heures

Deep Learning for Self Driving Cars

21 heures

Advanced Deep Learning with Keras and Python

14 heures

Torch for Machine and Deep Learning

21 heures

Mastering Apache SINGA

21 heures

NLP with Deeplearning4j

14 heures

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