Course Outline



  • Apache Spark in Hadoop Ecosystem
  • Short intro for python, scala

Basics (theory):

  • Architecture
  • RDD
  • Transformation and Actions
  • Stage, Task, Dependencies

Using Databricks environment understand the basics (hands-on workshop):

  • Exercises using RDD API
  • Basic action and transformation functions
  • PairRDD
  • Join
  • Caching strategies
  • Exercises using DataFrame API
  • SparkSQL
  • DataFrame: select, filter, group, sort
  • UDF (User Defined Function)
  • Looking into DataSet API
  • Streaming

Using AWS environment understand the deployment (hands-on workshop):

  • Basics of AWS Glue
  • Understand differencies between AWS EMR and AWS Glue
  • Example jobs on both environment
  • Understand pros and cons


  • Introduction to Apache Airflow orchestration


Programing skills (preferably python, scala)

SQL basics

 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (3)

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